Monday, February 1, 2016

Red VT x red PK

Male: VT red, age unknown, unknown breeder.

Female: PK red, age unknown, unknown breeder.

Conditioning: the male was introduced directly in the spawning tank after a day worth of travel.

Introduced: 28 January 2016.

Spawned: 29 January 2016

Mating when ahead pretty straightforward. No dry practice, just embrace, go after eggs, repeat.

The female was eating eggs directly from the nest. After a while she was caught red handed by the male and promptly banished.

Hatched: never. Shortly after mating the male look dreadfully bloated and left the nest unattended. I waited 36 hours but no fries were observed.

New female: PK red, age unknown, unknown breeder.

Introduced: 31 January 2016
Spawned: 1 February 2016 

Male guarding something.

A few eggs. They look viable to me but will see how it plays out.

The objective: a nice red sorority for me... no more, no less.

Hatched: 3 February 2016.

Brand new bettas. :)

Later in the day.

4 February 2016 (age 1 day)

No nest for the fries.
The easy way. :)

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