Monday, February 1, 2016

Red HM x red PK

Male: HM, mostly red, age unknown, unknown breeder.

Female: PK red, age unknown, unknown breeder.

Introduced: 29 January 2016.

Spawned: 30 January 2016

Race for eggs.

The protective knight and his shy lady. :)

Hatched: never. The eggs simply weren't there.

Female 2: PK red, age unknown, unknown breeder. She was bred two days ago with a red veiltail. She is an egg eater.

Introduced: 31 January 2016.

Objective: SD & HM red bettas. Work in progress.

3 February 2016. No spawning so no love lost.

Female 3: PK red, age unknown, unknown breeder.

This is the last available red female so better perform. Last call.

Introduced: 4 February 2016.

Spawned: 4 February 2016. :)))

Third time's a charm, but not for this bad boy. He seems to enjoy only the mating part of my breeding program. I found him wandering around. I checked the nest.
No eggs.

What a bummer.

Lights out.

Fuck it. Lights on again. This is not over until the fat lady sings.

Step 1: destroy that fungused sorry excuse for a nest.
Step 2: change water.

Step 3 (6 February 2016): Introduce the first female that spawned with him a week ago. She is an experienced breeder now, isn't she? :) Studio wedding photo. :p

7 February 2016: the stallion did his special number again.

So here we are again.

He is not an egg eater. He fathered 120+ fries 3 month ago. Still, the question bothers me. Should I take him out? Should I keep him in? Decisions, decisions.

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