Monday, February 29, 2016

VT x PK (Age 26 days)

Age 26 days (3 weeks + 5 days).

Special guests: little brothers 16 days old. They are starting to show interest to frozen food.

Little brothers: how about that for red? :) They are trumping their older siblings in this respect.

HM x PK (Age 20 days)

Age 20 days (2 weeks + 6 days).

Than I used the flash to expose irid.

Hmm, could be better, but being the fact that I don't have any other fry to select from, I think it's workable. But, because there is a big but, the father that now has 30 litters all for himself, nice and planted, is beginning to look paler as the days pass and somehow thinner. It could be that is getting older so that's why he did such a mess in the last breeding season (4 nests of egg and 1 fry living).

Sunday, February 28, 2016

VT x PK (Age 25 days)

Age 25 days (3 weeks + 4 days).

There are 3 stages in betta fry development in relation with me.

1) First few days, beta fry will pretty much ignore me, provided I don't make any sudden movements.
2) Next stage, betta fry are beginning to be aware of me, but they are cautious and run for their lives when they see me.
3) Final stage, betta fry are getting smarter and make the connection between me and the food. Rather than flying from me, they gather at the front glass ad start begging. That's the sweet point when they begin putting mass and start rushing to adulthood.

Special guests: little brothers 15 days old.

It's that me or these step brothers are a bit more reddish for their age? I used a redder female when breeding for them, but still didn't expect it.

That's how their older brothers looked when they were same age 15 days old.

See the difference?

Also, I cannot convince the younger fry to eat frozen food, even if their older brothers were accepting it, as seen in that picture. I opened a new batch of artemia eggs that doesn't yield to much live BS so I'm finding it hard to keep their bellies full.

HM x PK (Age 19 days)

Age 19 days (2 weeks + 5 days). Still cannot convince him to eat frozen food, he just doesn't get it.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

VT x PK (Age 24 days)

Age 24 days (3 weeks + 3 days).

Special guests: little brother 2 weeks old.

 Bonus guest: catus domestica 1 day old fry.

HM x PK (Age 18 days)

Age 18 days (2 weeks + 4 days).

Friday, February 26, 2016

VT x PK (Age 23 days)

Age 23 days (3 weeks + 2 days).

Special guests: little brothers 13 days old.

 Bonus guests: felis catus fry zero days old. :)

HM x PK (Age 17 days)

Age 17 days (2 weeks + 3 days).

He or she is large enough but doesn't acknowledge frozen artemia as food. :)

VT x PK (Age 22 days)

Age 22 days (3 weeks + 1 day).

Special guests: little brothers 12 days old.

HM x PK (Age 16 days)

Age 16 days (2 weeks + 2 days).

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

VT x PK (Age 3 weeks)

Age 3 weeks.

The colorless of them and next is the redest of them.

Special guests: little brothers 11 days old (already showing some color).