Tuesday, March 15, 2016

VT x PK (Age 41 days)

Age 41 days (5 weeks + 6 days).

Adult sorority. First, only the young sisters.

Than I'll add some new colors. Left 10 month old, right 6 month old, middle 6 weeks old. :)

Do not be confused, one of them is the mother. :)

With the biggest female. Look at her face, I told you she's grumpy.

Unwanted attention from the metallic.

At least the royal blue is minding her business.

Yes, just stay right there, the marble only want to hug you.

The young red looks like having eyelashes. :)

A bit of perspective.

Special guests: little brothers 31 days old.

A young girl.

Three males torturing your retina with bloody red.In the background, lots of girls. The mother nature played that trick on me again, so I have a grand total of about five males. :)

An out of focus picture but still kind of cool.

The LOL picture of the day. A smaller male delivering a bite to the unsuspecting Big Red. Up above, two siamese twin sisters smiling for the camera. :)
The Big Red.

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