Monday, March 14, 2016

VT x PK (Age 40 days)

Age 40 days (5 weeks + 5 days).

They are big enough to be moved to the adult sorority. From now on, they will be fed once a day and water changing will be weekly. I only moved five of them, the rest will go to the pet shop.

Let's see how they fare.

Don't mess with the spoon head. Show submission.

Gosh, trouble ahead. Beware of the marble!

Always look out for that nasty superdelta. Rolling you right eye is a good tactic.

When feeding time, stand up your ground. A girl is gotta eat. Also do note that the alien blue creature is also a betta.

Also do understand that this is the biggest female. She is almost 10 months old and she is grumpy, so better stay clear.

I said STAY CLEAR. That also means no charging.

At one a clock is your mother. She is all show and no bite, so don't bother.

Stop and smell the roses, but be aware of your mom sneaking on you at 10 a clock.

Turn around and stand your ground, she will fly in terror.

Yes, biting around is allowed, so feel right at home. :)

Little brothers 30 days old.

Using no flash uncovers deep red but they are moving fast so the picture is kind of blurry.

The big red.

Another male discovered flaring.

She is posting for her facebook account without realizing the photo bombing. :)

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