Thursday, December 17, 2015

Age 43 days

Age 6 weeks + 1 day.

After growing as the days passed, the runts empire suddenly collapsed. Here is the gear shot down.

Earlier that day...

The hand of God doing its willing. :)

The water is boiling.

120 souls in their way to the pet shop.

This round I witnessed a very low percentage of females, especially among the "blues", that were 134 fishes but only 22 females. I kept them all, even the runtier ones.

The runts making themselves comfortable at the pe(s)t shop. :o

Red sorority.

Blue sorority.

They were sleepy, that's why they show stress stripes.

Males. Look at all those bubble nests.

I seem to have a maniac builder. :)

Males going the barracks way.

Let's put some perspective. :)

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