Thursday, December 24, 2015

Age 51 days (7 weeks + 2 days)

Meet A4M56, last male still with females. With his size he dwarfs the female behind. ;)

He stands his ground just fine. :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Age 50 days (7 weeks + 1 day)

A random male, A$M53, at age 7 weeks + 1 day.

Same male, 6 days earlier.

You can easly notice the fin growth.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Age 45 days

Age 6 weeks + 3 days.

A few of them hit halfmoon stage but, as it happens, almost no photo proving that is well focused. :)

Here is A4M33 (blue boy) showing his D shaped caudal.

So I'll just put some nice photos without pursuing for the halfmoon aspect.

Here is A4M25, a bold "red" boy that hides very well his young age.

Here is another "red" boy, being more balanced, almost round. :)

As you can see, apparently I have red boys with blue irid and red boys with green irid.

A very clean picture of A4M30, a "blue" green boy.

A4M34. I'm in love with this kind of blue, royal blue I think it is. :)

A4M19, another rather nice and round green. Or is it turquoise?

A4M17 being friendly with me.

A4M38 apparently found something.

A4M36 with a discrete butterfly pattern showing his teeth.

A4M8, a blue red fat boy.

A4M49, a green red counterpart.

Two males side by side.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Age 43 days

Age 6 weeks + 1 day.

After growing as the days passed, the runts empire suddenly collapsed. Here is the gear shot down.

Earlier that day...

The hand of God doing its willing. :)

The water is boiling.

120 souls in their way to the pet shop.

This round I witnessed a very low percentage of females, especially among the "blues", that were 134 fishes but only 22 females. I kept them all, even the runtier ones.

The runts making themselves comfortable at the pe(s)t shop. :o

Red sorority.

Blue sorority.

They were sleepy, that's why they show stress stripes.

Males. Look at all those bubble nests.

I seem to have a maniac builder. :)

Males going the barracks way.

Let's put some perspective. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Age 6 weeks

Age 42 days.

Red girls doing something.

Blue girl doing absolutly nothing.

Red girl side by side with her mother.

Blue girl charging her mother.

Red mom hiding after her daughter.

Blue girl having her arse kicked by her mother.

Let's play find the mother. :)

Blue girl looking wise.

Blue girl looking clueless.

Blue girl looking green.

Blue girl being a stunner. :)

The shadow of hand of god over the runts empire. :p

They don't know it, but they are in for a big surprise...

Age 41 days

Age 5 weeks + 6 days.

The fainter moved his nest closer to the camera. :)

Red girls being alone. Almost, there is one male guarding them.

A quite uninspiring red male turning marble.

He went to the runts kingdom.

No males, no fights. :)

Blue girls stuffing themselves.

Random males being confined.