Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 17 days)

Age: 17 days.

First day of frozen food feeding. Glad to slowly leave the live BBS behind.

Full belies.

From now on they will gather at the feeding spot.

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 16 days)

Age: 16 days.

A crooked spine.

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 15 days)

Age: 15 days.

Selling all the adults has its merits. Now I have enough plants for a jungle.

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 2 weeks)

Age: 2 weeks.

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 13 days)

Age: 13 days.

A turquoise one.

A royal blue one.

A steel blue one.

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 24 days)

Age: 24 days.

The nonred. You can see his yellowish tail.

 Age: 11 days (little brothers).

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 23 days)

Age: 23 days.

 Age: 10 days (little brothers).

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 22 days)

Age: 22 days.

Age: 9 days (little brothers).

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 3 weeks)

Age: 3 weeks.

The runt. Look at his gills.

Age: 8 days (little brothers).

Bye adults

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 20 days)

Age: 20 days.

This looks like a non red to my eyes. The expected 25% non red (the parents had a non red mother) is full-filled. I have 3 males and an unsexed runt that will not make it.

Age: 1 week (little brothers)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 11 days)

Age: 11 days.

Unfortunately I'm having some personal issues and I don't have time to care for them properly. You can see the dirty tank. Also, artemia eggs hatching rate plummeted, that's why everthing is brown in there,  egg shells everywhere because I'm trying to squeeze some alive BBS to feed them and I'm always behind theirs needs.

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 10 days)

Age: 10 days.

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 9 days)

Age: 9 days.

First blue.

Royal blue SD betta fry (age 8 days)

Age: 8 days.

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 18 days)

Age: 18 days.

Little gem.

Hello runt!

Age: 5 days (little brothers)

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 17 days)

Age: 17 days.

Age: 4 days (little brothers). You can see artemia in his belly.