Thursday, November 19, 2015

Age 15 days (part 2)

No, of course no jarring, I'm just messing with ya. :)

The lone fry was a scout, sent ahead to test the new home for the "blue" brotherhood. The "blues" were losing the race with their "red" cousins, who are noticeably bigger and are eating about two or three times more brine shrimp than the blues, without having the numbers on their side (or so I think). So I decided to move the blue team in a home as big as the red's.

The cramped blues.

Nowhere to hide.

Operation teleport.

Beam me up, Scotty!


Almost there...

Ready? Yes, sir!

The great exodus. :)

The invasion is over, all 134 soldiers survived. Place your bets gentlemen, the race is on! :)))

PS: I put a mark on the fist sign of iridescence of a fry...

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