Saturday, January 23, 2016

A4M33 (21 January 2016)

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the winner of the breeding  rights against whole generation A4. Coming from a superdelta father and a plain jane delta mother, he has a lot going for him. He also caries NR1 genes so I\m rooting for some mustard gas lovin'. :)

He has a whole kingdom all for himself, so I'm taking no chances about his well being.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Age 9 weeks + 4 days

Red male in blue girls empire. Suddenly I found him hiding in terror.

I do have in there another male in there, a rather small and runty one, so a can't see him beating such a large male like that red.

I pretended to feed them, so the red manned up and went out. Now I can take o snap at the damage.

I waited to see the aggressor. She took a bite without warning from the red male caudal. Yes, it is a she. :)

A second more vicious attack followed. The male was socked and jumped out of the water trying to lose his tail, no pun intended. She spitted a bit of his tail. In the photo, the female from the right looks at it.

Back in the shade.