Friday, June 10, 2016

Royal blue SD betta fry (Age 27 days)

Age: 27 days.

Checking my finger.

Roaming around.

up left - red washed royal, down left - non red royal, up right - red washed turquoise, down right - non red turquoise

Solo fry.

Blurry pic for this non red.

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 34 days)

Age: 34 days.

The full masked.

The other two.

All three.

The runt.

Age: 3 weeks (little brothers).

Both ages.

Below big brother, up little brothers.

Left, right and down big brothers, the two in the center are little brothers.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 33 days) - Part 2

Age: days 33 days.

Betta male 33 days old (4 weeks +  5 days). Those are centimeters.

I would say 3.3 centimeters (1.3 inches).

Let's see the full masked, 33 days old, same age as above.

Again, 3.3 cm (1.3 inches).

Now, let's measure a little betta brother, age 20 days (2 weeks + 6 days).

A closer look. He's just shy o 3 centimeters, about 2.9 centimeters (1.14 inches).

He's the satrap, impressive growths.

Blue SD x Blue SD (Age 33 days)

Age: 33 days.

The full masked male.

 The red washed male.

The non-red male.
The ugly runt.

Age: 20 days (little brothers)

The satrap.

A metallic.

Maybe you noticed already, I decided to put big and little brothers together. Big brothers are  4 males (including the runt) and little brothers are 5 males. Yes, same parents, different spawn, same anomaly.

Here's how it looks.

First, big males into little brtothers tank.

 The 33 days old runt chasing around a little (but more developed) brother on his own field. Compared with his spawn, for the runt this brothers must be less intimidating.

Camera doesn't what to focus on the front little brother., favoring the bigger one behind.

Than I decided the little brother's tank is to filthy, and I prepared a new one.

Everybody happy together.

 Bur, while moving the 9 fry into the new tank, I did a unscheduled measuring session. See next post for that one.